ARES May Monthly Meeting!

Just a friendly reminder that the ARES/RACES meeting is tonight (Thursday) May 9 at 7 pm at the Gaston County EOC, 615 N. Highland Street, Gastonia, NC.

We are going to debrief the Simulated Emergency Test (SET) that we had back a couple of weeks ago. Also, planning on talking about HSMM/MESH networking again, as well as training on the HF equipment at the EOC. Most importantly, we are going to discuss an adaptation of the ICS-213 message format for local use.

Please come if you can (some have already told me that they will be out). We would enjoy your participation. Thank y’all at any rate for your dedication to Emergency Communications and Public Service in Gaston County, NC.
God Bless & 73,

Bill StevensonAJ4JZGaston County ARES / RACES EC